Sunday, January 9, 2011

The D Family | Redlands Maternity & Family Photographer

There is something just so special about photographing pregnancies, it really is one of my favorite aspects of this job. Each time I meet with a new mommy-to-be it takes me right back to that magical time when I was pregnant with Leah. I was one of those weird ladies who absolutely LOVED being pregnant and enjoyed every last minute of it. I remember being so incredibly sad once Leah arrived because I wasn't pregnant anymore......I know, I know, I told you I'm weird.

Here is one of my gorgeous pregnant subjects and her equally adorable family. I hadn't seen this couple since they were pregnant with their first son, so it was a treat to catch up and meet their little gentleman. They are now onto baby number 2, and I'm sure he is going to be just as cute and funny as their first! Congratulations D family.



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