Monday, December 13, 2010

Gifts, Dogs, & I Heart Faces

My husband is a horrible gift giver. And, when I say horrible, I mean HORRIBLE. He tries, man does he ever try, but somehow he usually misses the mark. Just a few examples to help you fully understand the issue:
I received an office chair one year for my birthday (whaaaaat??),
He tried to take me to McDonald's one year for Valentines Day,
One year he got me GIANT skater girl DC shoes for chirstmas (if you've ever met me you would see why that's never gonna happen),
And to top them all, on our very first wedding anniversary he got me nothing! NOTHING!!! Yup, you didn't misread that, he honestly didn't think you do gifts for anniversaries!!! You can only imagine how awkward that night was, when I presented him with the watch he had been dying for for months, and he returned my gesture with a puzzled and panicked look.

Don't get me wrong, he is an amazing husband, and does little things for me all year long, and he has come a long way in the gift giving department. But, I honestly think he just can't handle the pressure of giving a gift. And, maybe I'm not the easiest person to give to, (this year my xmas list has a new car on it.)

Despite his awful gift giving, one year he hit the nail on the head. It was the year after the 'nothing' anniversary, and to my surprise he bought me my first DSLR camera! Of course, I had spent months drooling over cameras, but decided it could wait until a later time. But, I didn't have to wait, and this one gift took me down a path in life that I never thought I'd walk. So, I guess if my husband was a better gift giver, perhaps I wouldn't be a photographer!

So, the whole point of this story is my photo entry in the I Heart Faces weekly challenge. This week's theme is Pets, and this photo is one of the first pictures I took with that DSLR. Fresh out of the box, and into my hands, I stalked the dogs, (because the baby was asleep).



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