Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Miss C | Kirkland Children Photographer

My daughter seriously hates having her picture taken, as I'm sure most of you saw on Facebook. The second I pick up my camera she goes from good to evil in a matter of seconds, and not even the promise of a lollipop or ice cream will help. I'm not sure exactly why this is, maybe she's just sick and tired of being my constant model. Poor girl, from the time she was born I've been putting her in baskets, boxes and pots with giant flowers and uncomfortable hats on her head. I guess I don't blame her!

I keep telling myself that she's just taking a break. And this next set of photos gives me some hope that she'll once again smile pretty for my camera!

I photographed Miss C last year when I was up in Seattle. She is so spunky and full of life and the camera just adores her. But, last year she had a little camera anxiety, and would not even look in my general direction. Photog's~you know what I talking about; the kid who couldn't care less if there was an elephant sitting on your head, they are NOT gonna look at you. Despite that, I managed to get some great images of her that captured her independent spirit.

Fast-forward a year, and wow how things have changed. C, with little coaxing, walked with me hand-in-hand through the park and flashed her pearly whites everytime I asked. She even showed-off her super model skills a few times! I had such a great time listening to her chat away about every leaf and cloud. She is so smart and inquisitive, and has the cutest little giggle.

Hopefully Leah will do the same in the future.....a girl can dream, right?!



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